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Message to American Hungarian Educators Association

American Hungarian Educators Association - Hungarian  in Chevy Chase MD

American Hungarian Educators Association

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About American Hungarian Educators Association

Established in 1974, the American Hungarian Educators Association (AHEA) -- Amerikai Magyar Tanáregyesület -- is a professional and scholarly organization devoted to the teaching and dissemination of Hungarian culture -- history, folklore, literature, language, fine arts, music and scientific achievements.

The Association provides opportunities for those interested in Hungarian studies and Hungarian heritage to further these interests by

- actively supporting ethnic and multicultural programs to broaden awareness, within the United States, of Hungarian contributions to civilization;

- deepening the appreciation for Hungarian culture among Americans of Hungarian origin;

- encouraging the maintenance of the Hungarian language and Hungarian studies in English.

- As a heritage organization the AHEA is vitally interested in the preservation of historical documents and artifacts as close as possible to their place of creation.

The AHEA is open to cooperation with all groups interested in supporting Hungarian culture and Hungarian studies within the United States and Canada, as well as Central European countries with large indigenous Hungarian minorities.


Primary Office Location

pin 4515 Willard Ave. #2210 Chevy Chase MD 20815


Social Media

Facebook page for American Hungarian Educators Association - Hungarian  in Chevy Chase
Message American Hungarian Educators Association