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Message to Honorary Consulate of Hungary In Charlotte, North Carolina, The United States

Honorary Consulate of Hungary In Charlotte, North Carolina, The United States - Hungarian  in Charlotte NC

Honorary Consulate of Hungary In Charlotte, North Carolina, The United States

Government of Hungary
(646) 801-7023
(646) 801-7023

About Honorary Consulate of Hungary In Charlotte, North Carolina, The United States

The Honorary Consulate to the Carolinas was established with the purpose to continue to foster this valued relationship with special attention to the region. We are here to help Hungarian nationals in need, raise awareness about Hungary, connect businesses, promote academic exchange, and help introduce the Hungarian culture to the Carolinas.

Services provided by the Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Charlotte

Signature authentications of Hungarian-language documents
Certified copies of material in Hungarian language
General inquiries about Hungary
Translation services
Contact point for Hungarian citizens in critical situations.


Primary Office Location

pin 7327 Westcott Terrace Charlotte NC 28270

pin (646) 801-7023

Social Media

Twitter page for Honorary Consulate of Hungary In Charlotte, North Carolina, The United States - Hungarian  in Charlotte
Message Honorary Consulate of Hungary In Charlotte, North Carolina, The United States
(646) 801-7023