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Message to Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix

Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix - Hungarian  in Glendale AZ

Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix

(480) 685-6626
(480) 685-6626

About Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix

The Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix (HCAP) is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization founded in May 2017. Our goal is to preserve the Hungarian heritage as well as to create better understanding and appreciation of the Hungarian culture in our community. We serve and welcome people of Hungarian descent and those with an interest in the Hungarian culture with educational and social events. We would love if more and more people would learn about our history, language, folk art, literature, and Hungarian heritage.

The Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix (HCAP) is an independent, 501(c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit corporation, all-volunteer, educational, charitable and non-partisan organization open to anyone with interest in nurturing the Hungarian language and culture, regardless of world view, nationality, or religion. We set as a mission to nurture the Hungarian language, culture, identity, and traditions, and make them available to present and future generations through educational programs, celebrations, commemorative events, and social gatherings. We aim to broaden familiarity with the Hungarian culture within the American community, thereby nurturing and strengthening Hungarian-American ties and relationships.


Primary Office Location

pin 5318 W Bloomfield Rd. Glendale AZ 85304

pin (480) 685-6626


Social Media

Twitter page for Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix - Hungarian  in Glendale Facebook page for Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix - Hungarian  in Glendale Instagram page for Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix - Hungarian  in Glendale Instagram page for Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix - Hungarian  in Glendale LinkedIn page for Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix - Hungarian  in Glendale
Message Hungarian Cultural Association of Phoenix
(480) 685-6626