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Message to Hungarian Medical Association of America

Hungarian Medical Association of America - Hungarian  in Amherst NY

Hungarian Medical Association of America

(941) 228-1470
(941) 228-1470

About Hungarian Medical Association of America

The Hungarian Medical Association of America (HMAA) was established in Cleveland, Ohio in 1968 as a non-profit organization as a means to provide a forum for sharing the Hungarian-American medical heritage and scientific excellence dating back to Semmelweis and recently symbolized by Nobel laurate, Albert Szent-Györgyi, as well as many other Hungarian scholars.

The primary mission of our Association is to promote the science of medicine through participative discussions and lectures among members whose professional traditions are rooted in Hungary. Members share and discuss scholarly and technical advances. The Association also brings Hungarian physicians and scientists into closer contact with friends in the American medical community and acts as a liaison between various American and Hungarian medical societies, foundations and universities. It has developed mutual relations with other Hungarian medical societies outside of Hungary, and places great emphasis on fostering the participation of Hungarian physicians living in Hungary in our activities.

The Hungarian Medical Association of America is a voluntary organization of physicians and scientists of Hungarian heritage formed to preserve, promote, and foster Hungarian medical traditions and ideals.

The Association’s first major goal is to promote and disseminate knowledge of clinical medicine and basic medical sciences by annual scientific meetings, lectures, discussions, publications, and other means. We are dedicated to building friendship and cooperation among our members and providing a forum wherein our members can meet, exchange ideas, and participate in continuing medical education.

Our second major goal is to provide scholarships and exchange programs for advancing the medical education of qualified candidates from North America and Hungary.

Our third major goal is to encourage and assist in the establishment of professional interactions between individual North American and Hungarian physicians and scientists as well as between North American and Hungarian medical societies, universities, and institutions.


Primary Office Location

pin P.O. Box 421 Amherst NY 14226

pin (941) 228-1470


Social Media

Twitter page for Hungarian Medical Association of America - Hungarian  in Amherst Facebook page for Hungarian Medical Association of America - Hungarian  in Amherst Twitter page for Hungarian Medical Association of America - Hungarian  in Amherst
Message Hungarian Medical Association of America
(941) 228-1470