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Message to Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center of New York

Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center of New York - Hungarian  in New York NY

Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center of New York

(212) 660-7946
(212) 660-7946


About Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center of New York

The Liszt Institute New York aims to connect artists, academics, arts and culture professionals and the public. The 25 Liszt Institutes abroad are overseen by Hungary's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, but enjoy considerable autonomy to promote awareness of Hungarian and Central European culture, often through collaborations - a principle particularly relevant in venues as full of grand productions as New York and the United States.

As the network's only American representation, the Liszt Institute New York seeks to present the past and present of Hungarian arts and society to American audiences, while encouraging professionals and artists in the United States to engage with their Hungarian counterparts. The more the Institute succeeds in promoting transatlantic cultural dialogue, the more it fulfills its core mission.

The Liszt Institute New York seeks to present the past, present and future of Hungarian scholarship and culture to the widest possible audience. Our doors are open to all, whether American, Hungarian, both, or neither. The Institute's unhidden goal is to bring Hungary to the forefront of the world's attention in cooperation with Hungarians and non-Hungarians alike in New York.


Primary Office Location

pin 223 E 52nd Street New York NY 10022

pin (212) 660-7946


Social Media

Twitter page for Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center of New York - Hungarian  in New York Facebook page for Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center of New York - Hungarian  in New York Instagram page for Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center of New York - Hungarian  in New York Instagram page for Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center of New York - Hungarian  in New York
Message Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center of New York
(212) 660-7946